La diarrhée fait partie de l'état canin. La plupart des chiens n'ont pas ce que l'on pourrait appeler un palais...
I was eavesdropping on a conversation between pet owners a few days ago that got me to thinking. The question...
Copper is not a nutrient that many owners contemplate, until it is associated with disease. In health, copper plays a...
I often talk to owners about the benefits of feeding cats multiple small meals throughout the day, an arrangement that...
According to a report in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA), calorie counts will be appearing on...
Over on Nutrition Nuggets for dogs this week, I talked about a new part of the 2014 Association of American...
Tout d'abord, les chats souffrant d'arthrose doivent rester minces. Traîner l'excès de graisse corporelle exerce une pression excessive sur les...
Reviewed and updated for accuracy on February 25, 2020, by Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM Dogs eating cat poop is in...
Did you hear about the case of the Australian kitten that nearly died from being forced to eat a vegan...
A couple of weeks ago in response to my post about the new AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials)...
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